Last week Souderton Area High School had their Seniors Awards ceremony. This was the first year that the Win the Day Warriors-Jason Taylor scholarship was awarded. I was honored to talk to the first recipient Maria Deaviz. She is an amazing young woman that has handled adversity but keeps moving forward. In my short time talking with Maria I quickly knew why she was selected for our scholarship. She has overcome some really difficult times in her life (and still continues to), she is an amazing athlete who has she has worked hard for her grades. Her whole class appreciates her and she has even helped mentor other students who need her guidance.
When I hung up the phone I knew it would not be the last time I talked to this young lady. A few hours later she sent me a message that she looked into Win the Day Warriors and said she honored and humbled to receive this scholarship. She also said "Due to Win the Day Warriors, Jason has become apart of my life and I will honor his name and legacy.
The Win the Day Warriors Scholarship (in Memory of Jason Taylor class of 1989) is awarded to a Souderton Area High School senior who processes the following attributes:
· someone who has a positive can-do attitude
· gives back to their community and school
· always willing to help a fellow student
· shows compassion and empathy
· looks at hardships or obstacles as opportunities to grow and learn
Thanks to Souderton Area High School for making this happen and helping my family keep Jason Robert Taylor legacy alive. Maria Deaviz
CONGRATULATIONS Maria Deaviz we wish you MUCH success and happiness