Everything I ever needed to know I learned on a baseball field:

I learned a lot in college and on the street, but lucky for me I was stuck on a baseball field early on and it taught me a thing or two about life.  Your team includes friend and family and neighbor as well as the extended community called planet earth. 

These are the things I learned:

1.       Listen and things get better. You have many coaches and their advice is free.  

Listen as if it is the most important thing being said in that moment.  It just might be.

2.       Watch closely the best of the best and be like them when the chance comes…and it will.

3.       Watch closely the weakest of the weak, and help them when the chance comes.  They need


4.       Run out every ball you hit in life… every time… every day… for the rest of your life.

5.       Always back up your team mates.

6.       Communicate clearly with team mates to avoid major collisions and errors.

7.       Hustle. Everyone sees it.  It says a lot about you.

8.       Play hard. You get more juice when you squeeze a little harder in life.

9.       Know when to rest.  Rest is needed for the body and soul.  It is not a sign of weakness.

10.   Don’t yell at team mates.  It helps no one.

11.   A sacrifice might bring down your average but it helps the team.

12.   Be gracious in victory- yes, you will shine but someone else is hanging their head.  Don’t rub it in.

13.   Be gracious in defeat- if you have played your best, there is nothing for which to hang your head.  Sometimes you are beaten that day.  Tip your cap, shake hands and move on.

14.   You will strike out- It stinks and you might be embarrassed.  It is OK to be mad.  Try to let it go by the time you get back to the bench (your home).

15.   The game of life is unfair.  When the calls go against you, try to move on with poise, grace, and humor.  Angry outbursts just make you look silly!

16.   Love your team.  There exists a bond in the shared experience of team mates that cannot be found anywhere else.  When you can love and accept the whole team, you can do uncommon things.

17.   Remember the words the coaches want you to yell. “I got it!”  You have many things coming your way.  It helps to remember that, “YOU GOT IT”.  When you realize you got it and everything you say and do shows it, you reassure those around you, even you.

18.   Swing hard- the ball doesn’t go over the fence any other way.  If you want a home run with something you have to take a big mean cut.

19.   Practice Practice Practice